GFEM Tweets

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
@EthanZ - lessons on how it unfolded: few fingerprints from google FB. TechDirt, Mashable, reddit were big actors #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
Remember #SOPA #PIPA were introduced as a non-controversial. Blackout from Wikipedia made big change @EthanZ #wired4c. Who influenced?

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
Figuring out who is influencing media dialogues - what parts of world in focus - controversy mapper #wired4c @ethanz

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
Is rise of social media really impacting change - looking at galaxy and we're trying to train our telescope on small area of sky #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
Up now - @ethanz talking about www.mediacloud #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
RT @CaitlinHowarth: RT @CaitlinHowarth: good ? on using tech to protect, not just disclose/share - look @guardianproject @witnessorg InformaCam + ObscuraCam ...

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
Interesting Q about role that tech might play in protecting journalists - sources, twitter feeds, leaked docs #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
@emilybell - cost of tech will drop, ability to use it increases - what is the 4th estate of digital journalism then? #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
@emilybell: Must dramatically lower the cost of news gathering using tech #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
RT @FBorgesius: RT @FBorgesius: Turow: behavioral targeting: advertisers don't have to fund newspapers anymore. Audience can be reached anywhere. #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
@SteveEngelberg: can't divorce data and the story. Separated they don't work. ProPublica stresses both #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
RT @jeffcdi: RT @jeffcdi: .@emilybell says all Columbia journalism students will need to take basic #data modules #wired4c

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
RT @CaitlinHowarth: RT @CaitlinHowarth: hint hint funders: @emilybell: not enough media groups like @ProPublica doing this kind of work #standards+ethics #w ...

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
@emilybell: data training for journos - computer science and journalism together #wired4c. Students 'get' editorial choices in data

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
@emilybell talking data training for journos - computer science and journalism together #wiredfc. Students 'get' editorial choices in data

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
FOIA / data not more accessible. but Internet giveth and giveth - can assemble databases from web, cleaner data too #wiredfc

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
#wired4c @SteveEngelberg - big data has been great tool for finding stories. Crowd sourcing for things like freeing files, coding data

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
RT @CaitlinHowarth: RT @CaitlinHowarth: Big data a major tool for finding stories; crowdsourcing best for executing specific tasks, e.g. researching newly o ...

MediaFunders (Media Impact Funders) 1 year 36 weeks ago
@sewellchan: Q @shazna about APs move to big data work w/ interactive media #wired4c. Intro tech to newsroom. Developers as journos