CTCNet's 2008 Community Technology Conference "Toward a Connected Future"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - 12:00am - Friday, November 14, 2008 - 12:00am
Los Angeles, CA

Today, communities across the country are directing renewed attention and commitment to achieving digital inclusion, in order to provide equitable access to 21st Century opportunities. Community technology programs and practitioners have been at the forefront of these efforts for more than 20 years. CTCNet's 2008 Conference offers a dynamic opportunity to connect with individuals and organizations committed to making digital tools and skills more accessible to underserved populations.

Activities include: informative training and knowledge-sharing sessions, expert speakers who will inspire new ways of thinking, panel discussions to address the leading digital inclusion issues, and more.

This event is being organized by CTCNet at CTCNet.org. Learn more by visiting the event website.