Knight Foundation Features Videos and Reports from Second Media Learning Seminar

On February 16 and 17, 2009, more than 180 foundation executives, media developers and leaders attended the second "Media Learning Seminar on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy" in Miami.

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Council on Foundations co-convened the gathering and have posted videos and reports from the panels online to encourage greater dialogue on these issues amongst the philanthropic community and the public at large.

The Media Learning Seminar is a key component of Knight's "Community Information Challenge," launched in 2008 as a five-year, $24 million initiative to encourage community foundations to embrace information as a core community need. The initiative challenges community foundations to grasp the depth and pace of the change the media world is undergoing, and to take account of how this affects a community’s ability to manage its’ affairs and address opportunities. The Challenge encourages experimentation, involvement in forms of new media and technology, and civic leadership. 

The posted videos cover the main panels from the Seminar, including featured speaker Gwen Ifill of "Washington Week" and "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer." The page also features the notes from seven breakout sessions, panelists' presentation materials, and the Seminar's blog.