Navigating the Downturn: GIA's Resources for Grantmakers

Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) has put together a regularly-updated resource page for funders entitled "Economic Turmoil and Change: Resources for Grantmakers." Find out what Grantmakers are thinking and doing to face the current economic climate, which is increasingly considered the worst since the 1920s.

The site collects and synthesizes ideas, actions, and responses to timely questions, including:

  • How are arts grantmakers and their arts partners and grantees managing the impact of the recession?
  • How is funding being affected now, and how is it apt to be affected in the next 12-24 months?
  • Since many believe that economic turmoil and a change in federal leadership offers the opportunity for substantive change, what role can arts and culture play in that change?
  • Can we play a role in creating a stronger civil society and more sustainable communities? What are the possibilities for change within the arts and culture sector itself?
  • How can arts funders help?

Answers to these questions, as well as additional resources, are grouped in the following categories:

GIA regularly updates and adds items on the site. Your additions and comments are welcome, and will help it be deeper and more relevant. Please send email mail to Tommer Peterson, GIA deputy director for programs, at