Media Voices for Children Is Live

Media Voices for Children

Media Voices for Children is pleased to announce that its site,, is live.


MVC HomepageWhat is Media Voices for Children?

Media Voices makes available the most topical, relevant and usable information concerning children's rights worldwide.  It acts as a focal point to provide the information you need to learn more and take action.  The organization hopes to move children's human rights issues to the forefront of public dialogue and to affect policies that will improve living conditions for children around the world.

What They Feature
Media Voices for Children hosts video, photography, documents and special features that you can view, discuss and share.  Media Voices also generates original content, such as their current entry in Speak Up For Children, an interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu.Desmond Tutu
What Does This Mean For You?
Media Voices is constructed around one core principle - sharing.  Become involved in creating a new online community by sharing the information Media Voices presents with your friends, colleagues and organizations.  As a subscriber, you will be informed whenever new material is posted.  They'll compile the information and you can use the tools on the site to be an ambassador for children.