Get Radio! Mapping Project

[Source: Prometheus Radio Project, February 3, 2012]

The map you see here is a project bringing together:

  • Prometheus Radio Project's Get Radio! list of people and organizations that signed up to get more information on/be potential applicants for the coming year;
  • And the FCC's approximated information on the radio frequencies that will be available next year in the top 200 markets.
SOME DISCLAIMERS - The information that you see on the map is tentative and incomplete. The FCC data is a conservative approximation, and does not include all frequencies that will be available in the future. This map only shows the top 200 markets, so in less-populated areas there will likely be many available frequencies. The Get Radio! list is a list of people and organizations that have signed up with Prometheus for more information on starting a station. If you are considering starting a station and see your zip code represented, please sign up anyway!